Experience and freshness ✨
As a team, our goal is to mix the knowledge and expertise from the academic world with the energy and vision of students who are experiencing education firsthand.
Daniele Costa
45 years old, Professional Mechanical Engineer and PhD in Industrial Engineering, he is a Researcher at Marche Polytechnic University, his Alma Mater, where he deals with machine mechanics, underwater and collaborative robotics.
Giacomo Fiara
Currently 21 years old, Electronic Technician pursuing a future as an Electronics Engineer. Robotics, IoT, and the idea of working on a startup have been of interest to him since high school. Fascinated by industrial design, he wants a more inclusive and avant-garde school.
Marco Gatti
40 years is Assistant Professor at the Department of Management of the Università Politecnica delle Marche. His research and teaching activities are mainly focused on management and strategic control systems and on financial statements. He took part to several research projects, carried out in collaboration with companies and no profit organisations, aimed at designing and implementing planning and control systems to support strategic and operational decision-making processes.
David Scaradozzi
(almost) 50 years old, a researcher from birth, works at the Department of Information Engineering (DII) – Polytechnic University of Marche. Scientific member of ISME (Interuniversity Center of Integrated Systems for the Marine Environment). Since 2000 he has been a small class ROV pilot who still enjoys re-engineering today. Its Navigation, Guidance and Control algorithms have explored more than 100 archaeological sites and marine protected areas on 4/5 continents.
Manuele Silvestrini
Passionate about electronics and mechanics, he loves to get his hands dirty and pass on what he learns. He is twenty-one and is studying electronic engineering. He strongly believes in the value of teaching, for which he is determined to provide more effective and current tools.